9 Signs You Need To Eat More Fat

mark sisson eat more fat
Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint 

For decades, we've been taught to eat a low-fat diet, not eat more fat. Were you good at it? I was too. But then I woke up to the role fat has played in the human diet for thousands of years. Our species evolved with fat, and because of it.
Eliminating fat from our diet has only been drilled into our heads for the last 50 years. If human history is a tree, our last 50 years is but a slice of bark. And its coincidentally been during these last 50 years since our fat intake has declined, that chronic diseases have sky-rocketed.
Mark Sisson, Founder of the blog site "Mark's Daily Apple: Primal Living in the Modern World", and author of The Primal Blueprint, summarized his research in his blog post, "9 Signs You Need To Eat More Fat."
Follow the link to Mr. Sisson's article to learn more, but here are his 9 signs briefly listed. 

9 Signs You Need To Eat More Fat

  1. You have dry skin.
  2. You're eat a low-carbohydrate diet, and you've been feeling "off."
  3. Your physical performance is lagging.
  4. Your joints ache.
  5. You have low HDL cholesterol.
  6. You're never satisfied after meals.
  7. You're trying to love vegetables.
  8. Your mental edge seems dulled.
  9. You're going out drinking.
As you glance this list you can see some basic functional requirements that a human should expect. Why would we follow any diet that causes us to feel unlike ourselves, in a word, "off"?
And you wouldn't be reading this blog if you weren't interested in optimizing your physical and mental performance. Your career, your studies, your family life, your martial arts training, these all become more satisfying when you're body responds to your desire to push it to the next level.
So that's why we should eat more fat. Our ancient ancestors didn't have time to mess around. Every day was a struggle to find food and shelter. They ate to stop their hunger, they ate to feel better, stronger, faster. They ate to shake off mental cobwebs, to stay alert while hunting for food, and to stay sharp while being hunted.
Have you not been feeling your best? Perhaps it's time to bring back some quality fat into your diet.

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